

Traditional Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) Program


Traditional Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) Program

If you desire licensure as a registered professional nurse at the baccalaureate level, 这个节目是为你准备的. This dual degree program offers a Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) and a Bachelor of Science in 圣经研究 (BBS).


的 在线RN-BSN学位完成计划 meets the needs of the associate degree or diploma prepared RN who desires a degree at the baccalaureate level.

愿景 of the Barclay College 护理学院 is to be recognized as a center of excellence and innovation, enhancing global 社区 while sharing the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Compelled by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the 任务 of the Barclay College 护理学院 is to graduate highly competent, ministry-minded nurse generalists who contribute to a diverse global community through effective Christian life, 服务, 和领导能力. This mission is grounded in a 朋友 tradition that advances a deeper understanding of human dignity and commitment to the sanctity of life.


Two primary goals guide the development and practices of the SON. 这些目标是:

  1. Educate baccalaureate nurse generalists with an integrated biblical perspective to prepare them to be highly competent in providing direct and indirect care, 设计/管理/协调护理, 作为一名专业人士参与其中.
  2. Meet the health needs of a diverse global community through effective Christian life, 服务, 和领导能力.


的 following 课程结束学生学习成果 (EPSLO) are derived from the interrelated concepts identified in the organizing framework:

  1. Evaluate nursing care provided for humanity’s well-being from a diverse global community to ensure holistic, 富有同情心的, 与发展相适应的, 包容, 个性化护理.


    1. Perform a comprehensive health assessment that is age-appropriate, 包括生理, 心理, 社会学, and spiritual needs of patients experiencing health alterations in a variety of settings.
    2. Develop a prioritized plan of care that is holistic, 富有同情心的, 善解人意, age and culturally appropriate based upon mutual health goals.
    3. Demonstrate accountability for care delivered to patients from diverse backgrounds that acknowledges their preferences, 值, 信仰, 文化差异, and health literacy to promote self-care management.
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based teaching provided to identify additional individualized learning needs.
  2. Model communication skills that promote an effective exchange of information, 建立治疗关系, and share decision-making to support interprofessional partnership.


    1. Use verbal and nonverbal communication that promotes mutual respect, 有爱心的, therapeutic relationships with patients and healthcare team members.
    2. Determine methods to overcome barriers to effective communication in the care of patients, 社区, 和人口.
    3. Engage in effective interprofessional partnerships to assess the priorities for the 社区 or affected clinical population.
    4. Collaborate with the healthcare team to address shared patient information in an accurate, 完整的, and timely manner to address healthcare needs and support quality care delivery.
  3. Integrate current evidence and expertise to support 创新 nursing practice and inform clinical judgment.


    1. Analyze the implementation of evidence-based nursing care and scholarly activities to improve nursing care.
    2. Integrate a broad base of knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to inform clinical judgments in the delivery of 包容, 公平的护理.
  4. Analyze information and communication technologies to improve efficiencies, 卫生公平, 以及整个医疗保健系统的护理结果.


    1. Use knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care through cost-effective, 创新, 循证实践.
    2. Utilize information and communication technologies to gather, 解释, and implement safe nursing care to diverse populations in a variety of healthcare settings.
  5. Deliver nursing care to minimize risk of harm and enhance quality for optimal patient outcomes.


    1. Anticipate safety risks to patients and healthcare providers to mitigate risk and prevent harm.
    2. 应用 established national safety and quality standards to guide nursing practice while promoting a culture of safety.
    3. Analyze patient-care related data to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
  6. Integrate accountable and responsible behaviors that contribute to excellence in professional nursing practice that upholds established regulatory, 法律, 道德原则.


    1. 整合专业标准, 道德行为, 法律原则, 监管的指导方针, 以及护理实践中的制度政策.
    2. Demonstrate a professional identity of nursing through the integration of diversity, 股本, 和包容,同时关心个人, 社区, 和人口.
    3. 展现专业责任感, 责任, and advocacy in nursing practice to contribute to excellence.
  7. Demonstrate behaviors that foster personal health and well‐being, 探究的精神, 以及领导特质.


    1. Engage in self-care behaviors that foster a commitment to personal health and well-being, 探究的精神, 以及专业成熟度的发展.
    2. Demonstrate Christian and professional leadership behaviors in the delivery of care that respects individual autonomy, 健康, 和弹性.